Post - Xolo Mom (@xolomom)

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Xolo Mom


Xoloitzcuintli Mom

Mom of 2 Xolo's & 1 Toller. Maker of dog supplies. Political junkie. No time for trumpsters

10 Posts

  1. @Post I cannot download pictures on a main post but I can add them in the comments. I've Uninstalled etc but no change Please help
  2. My first Greyhound collar. Too small for my Toller, way to big for my Xolo! But learned a lot carving this much heavier leather.  Uploading
  3. I can't seem to upload any pictures. I've Uninstaller and reinstalled the app. No change. Help please!
  4. My girl practicing her flyball moves!  Uploading
  5. Made the mistake of checking in on Twitter today. My IQ was lowered by 40 points just by reading the stupidity.
  6. Just made a post of my Toller. Can anyone see the picture? I can't.
  7. @feedback I am unable to upload pictures. Can you help?
  8. How do I upload a photo? The little spinner just says uploading - forever. Is there a max size?
  9. Just deleted my Twitter account. I'm here for good, 100%. Feels good.
  10. Followed you on Twitter, glad you're here now

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