Post - Eileen Popp (@wokegypsy)

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Eileen Popp


Wouldn't it be lovely if everyone lived their life, did not judge others for different beliefs.

Resister. Retired nurse, huge SU, Buffalo Bills fan. Enjoy poetry,storytelling,art, cat and dog accounts.

777 Posts

  1. The RNC is paying Trump's lawyers and average Republicans with far less keep sending Trump money anyway. Fascinating insight, how Trump secured his $175M bond. #LegalProceedings #Law #LegalIssues #Legal #Cult #Crime #Election2024 #Elections #USPolitics #Politics #GOP #Republicans
  2. The rot within the GOP reaches all the way down into state and local Republican politics. Top to bottom, coast to coast, the GOP is working relentlessly to destroy democracy. #Election2024 #Elections #USPolitics #Politics #GOP #Republicans #Trump #DonaldTrump #MAGA #RepublicanPar
  3. Remember on April 15 and Remember in November *cue screaming redhat mobs blaming President Biden #taxes #republicans #gop #donaldtrump #taxcuts #election2024 #workingpoor #taxtherich #workingclass #poverty #taxthewealthy #yourvotematters #democrats #liberals #voteblue #bluewave
  4. And yet not a single investigation or even condemnation from the hypocrite criminal gop party 🤔 🦗 🦗 💰 💰 #jaredkushner #nepotism #maga #trumpcrimefamily #criminal #lockhimup #Republicans #gop #republicanparty #donaldtrump #congress #hypocrites
  5. Good evening, friends on Post. Hoping I can put my mittens,winter hats away soon,we had snow this week here in Syracuse! Enjoy watching the eclipse Monday,everyone!
  6. I hope everyone had a nice St Partty's day. My little niece danced her heart out....Eileen.
  7. GOod Morning Posties! I really hope in your corner of the universe you find some joy today, maybe have coffee with a dear friend,or hear a child's laughter. Listen to the birds,watch the ducks,they know the secrets to contentment. 🎠 Eileen 🎠
  8. ~David Bowie #DavidBowie #celebrities
  9. By Alex Woodward It took roughly one hour into an historic US Supreme Court hearing on Thursday for the justices to get to a question at the heart of Donald Trump ’s disqualification from Colorado’s ballots . Was the attack on the US Capitol on January 6 – mounted by a mob by the for
  10. One last thing. Notice the timing of the release. Hur clearly released this today to muddle headlines in Trump’s court case. Putting a partisan who broke rules to appear with Trump was an outrage at the time and is even more outrageous now. Garland has to go. Before he breaks
  11. I would have to say, this smells
  12. #trumpet #pedophile #kansas
  13. #JustThink how refreshing it would be if #EliseStefanik had a backbone and continued to condemn the 6Jan2021 US domestic terrorist insurrection instead of attempting to delete evidence of her statements.
  14. #RapistTrump
  15. #Funny #Humor
  16. #Politics #trump #Republicans #Circus
  17. Do you know why Democrats are dominating in special elections? Let’s take a look at what’s important to Republicans, shall we? Merry Christmas Making sure everyone uses their birth gendered bathrooms. Hanging the 10 Commandments in schools. Calling transgendered people abominations
  18. Conservative billionaires have been snapping up local stations and newspapers for almost two decades. Trump is just a puppet in their goal of controlling information. We focus on Trump, but it's never solely been about him. Please stay mindful of what is happening in your communi
  19. Yep. I’d like to look into the legitimacy of Vanky’s Chinese patents. Follow the money.

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