Post - James Sims (@simsjames)

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James Sims


Wesleyan University & Cultural Maven


AVP for Marketing & Communications at Wesleyan University. Formerly Center Theatre Group, Lincoln Center, Ojai Playwrights Conference, and American Museum of Natural History. Columbia Journalism alum. US Air Force veteran.

74 Posts

  1. Happy to have Wesleyan University President Michael S. Roth continue speaking out on the importance of diversity on college campuses. Tonight on PBS @newshour : #highered
  2. can we just talk for a minute about how broken inside and needy you have to be to name your plane Trump Force One
  3. While I absolutely know the value of “influencers” in a marketing campaign, they should never be seen by executives as a replacement for press. Critics and other journalists are not a marketing ploy. They are a source of information for the public. Both “marketing” and “press” ar
  4. Background actors on #WandaVision : “She was never told how or if this digital avatar of herself would ever be used on screen. If it's used, she might never know. No matter what happens with it, she'll never see any payment for it.” #SAGAFTRAStrong
  5. Saying the honest part out loud…
  6. By Dan Rather U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Edward Williams, right, shakes hands with President Harry S. Truman at a casual meeting during the president’s morning walk. (Harry S. Truman Library and Museum) At Steady, we sometimes pause from the news of the day to look back and reflect
  7. Applauding Occidental College in Los Angeles for also deciding to end legacy admissions! “To ensure we are removing any potential barriers to access and opportunity, Occidental will no longer ask applicants about alumni relationships.” #HigherEd #LegacyAdmissions
  8. By Robert Reich Friends, I can’t presume to know why Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell suddenly froze midway through his opening remarks at a news conference yesterday. He began the GOP’s weekly leadership briefing by saying lawmakers were on a path to finishing a major defense
  9. Aliens: Them's Fighting Words

    When scientists fight: “I just want to assure the public that scientists don’t make stuff up…What the public is seeing in Loeb is not how science works. And they shouldn’t go away thinking that.” #space #aliens #science
  10. By Nikki Carvajal The Biden administration later this month will host the National Summit on Equal Opportunity in Higher Education as it tries to find ways to support colleges that want to promote diversity after a Supreme Court ruling gutted affirmative action. The summit is aimed
  11. Supreme Court justices, especially on the right, appear eager to convince Americans that politics plays no role in their work. They're failing spectacularly.
  12. I am pleased to hear that Wesleyan University in Connecticut has ended legacy admissions. That program unfairly helped the children of alumni as a form of affirmative action. If admissions cannot be race conscious after the Supreme Court’s decision, then they shouldn’t be legacy
  13. How Wes Anderson Uses Miniatures to Create His Aesthetic: A Primer from His Model Maker & Prop Painter
  14. Laughable that #Ticketmaster warns of scalpers when its platform showcases resale tickets well above face value. While the likes of #TaylorSwift and #Beyonce have grabbed recent headlines, consider #nonprofit #theaters facing resale prices on Ticketmaster. When unsuspecting audi
  15. “Some schools, including #WesleyanUniversity , said they hope increased outreach to underserved communities would offset some of the impact of a #SupremeCourt ruling. But they may be limited in what th
  16. Here. It. Is. The unsealed deposition of Donald J. Trump in the E. Jean Carroll lawsuit(s) Link:
  17. Today’s activity: begin my kids journey towards appreciating #RoddyMcDowall . First up, “Bedknobs and Broomsticks” followed by “That Darn Cat!,” “The Cat From Outer Space,” and “The Adventures of Bullw
  18. “ #Art doesn’t ask us to solve equations. Rather, it invites us to immerse ourselves in another sensibility. We’re given the opportunity to look at a world through a unique lens that may take some adju
  19. Always happy to talk with the great Margaret Sullivan. Here we are discussing the state of Journalism on Audie Cornish’s new podcast “The Assignment.”

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