Post - John William Simon 🇺🇸 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 🇺🇦 (@simonjw1)

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John William Simon 🇺🇸 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 🇺🇦


Constitutional Lawyer, Political Scientist

St. Louis, Missouri

Ph.D. in Political Science (esp. Public Law & Judicial Behavior), Harvard, 1978 J.D., Yale Law School, 1984 Constitutional Advocacy LLC

766 Posts

  1. Qui acceperint gladium gladio peribunt.
  2. Chutzpah on Steroids

    It’s really rich that the most prolific documented liar in the history of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has to rely, to avoid debating Joe from a prison’s video courtroom, on the proposition that a witness he paid to lie—get this— lied about things not material to the election-fraud co
  3. I dare #Toady to testify!
  4. When #Tiny comes out this afternoon and attacks Stormy: “Go directly to Jail. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.” “Adult film actress Stormy Daniels , who is a key figure in the criminal case against Donald Trump , has been testifying about her alleged one-night stand with Trump i
  5. #MachinegunMcCloskey takes aim again!
  6. Fooled them. The Byrdes bought that at the Lake of the Ozarks.
  7. Shame on Mother.

    This is Rishi’s Japanese Internment Policy, only without Pearl Harbor, costing more, and far more dangerous than camps in Nowhere, State of Box.
  8. Top hit at 11:00 a.m. CDT: Kristi Noem’s master class on not answering questions.
  9. ‘Infidel space lasers. Call out the elite goat-dung throwers!’
  10. Iran’s attack on Israeli people is a gift to #Bibi . Remember 12/7/1941 & 9/11/2001. Autocrats can’t understand democracies . They are like the populations of U.S. federal & state prisons who thought they knew more than their lawyers—and do even when they’re there.
  11. The blame for appeasement and enabling #TheImpaler goes not to ‘We the People’ but to the minority in the U.S. House for blocking a vote for Ukraine aid because they are EITHER isolationists or actively support his position that he is the bulwark of Christian civilization against
  12. This guy has one thing right: we are in a ‘cold civil war’ with his type and his better-scrubbed co-Confederates.
  13. Of course, Iranians would never mess with a diplomatic compound.
  14. Will #EmptyG swallow the Sun, too?
  15. If your sons and daughters have to stop Ivan in Chicago, thank a Republican*.
  16. Where was #TheImpaler ?
  17. Look at it this way: #Toady was channeling Margaret Thatcher: If you want something done, hire a woman.
  18. Did #MattOhneUmlaut make the Earth move for her? Oh, silly me: she’s over six. ‘"Earthquakes and eclipses and many more things to come.“‘
  19. ‘The reason [ #Toady ’s] even talking about a national abortion ban is because supporters are unsatisfied with letting states decide how to regulate abortion, even though state’s rights were key to the Dobbs ruling. They are unsatisfied, because the anti-abortion movement was never

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