Post - David (@scotinus)

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Purveyor of astute wit, often correctly mistaken for snarky sarcasm.


Liberal transplant from Scotland to the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Music, science, politics, software, American exceptionalism sarcasm, and saving democracy! Crypto-skeptic; don't touch it until you can pay your taxes in it. I want to hear what you have to say and so tend to follow those who contribute to a discussion as well as others whose posts tickle m' intellectual fancy.

1,423 Posts

  1. Post Subscription

    @Post @noam I would pay $10/month no question, to maintain the community we have here. If that is not one of your 'long-shot' ideas for the next couple of weeks, please consider it.
  2. Well, shit, this sucks
  3. Interesting. Mike Johnson stands up for Ukraine.
  4. Guy by the name of Barry Letterman?
  5. What trial?

    The Fox handling (or not) of this trial is quite remarkable. This is Fox website front page yesterday: not a single mention. People who get their news exclusively from Fox will have no idea Trump is even on trial and will dismiss future suggestions that he was, as fake news. This is
  6. Trump's Ego: as large as it is fragile

    Sad beyond words. Trump has an aide - a blonde former anchor for One America, of course - who follows him around with a wireless printer, feeding him a steady supply of uplifting articles and flattering comments, found on the internet. She even tags along when he's playing golf. Ima
  7. In the off-chance anyone who sees this is a Tesla Truck fan: 1) What the hell are you thinking? 2) Avoid washing the damn thing
  8. Will the real Associated Press, please stand up?
  9. Pretty good, except eliminating the deficit is a terrible policy goal. Let's not do that again.
  10. Some of the weirdest shit ever. Within these 13 year and 17 year Cicada communities, who the hell is counting?
  11. FOO-KIN EH! That is the damnedest of damn truths that is.
  12. TSLA - another stock scam

    TSLA was grossly overvalued even before Musk's last couple of years of shenanigans. Since then they've lost the technology edge to competitors, sales are cratering, the brand is in ruins, competition is getting stronger by the day and they're being forced into round after round of
  13. Trump Media to offer streaming services for Nazis

    Oh dear, it is almost too easy to insult Trump Media. In that sense they are like the corporate embodiment of its CEO, Devin Nunes, who has always been too easy to insult. If Trump Media could take midnight Uber rides to the White House to meet Sean Spicer in the bushes, it would. W
  14. Trump gets accidentally roasted

    Trump's jury selection becomes an exploration into a decade of memes taking the piss out of the defendant. The following is an extract from my imagination... "Your honor, while the prosecution acknowledges that 'tangerine toilet-brush face' is not a very nice thing to say, its utt
  15. I hope Biden has a replacement nominee ready to go. You know, on the off-chance.
  16. And now it's time for something completely different

    Sorry to all Billy Joel fans (of whom I am one) but I cannot help but chuckle at the perfectly bad timing. Such a monumental moment of a song and I'm right there with them in the stalls, swaying along and loving every ... CHA CHING! The local News! Omg, just imagining millions of p
  17. Words from a wilted lettuce

    Holy shit-balls, she said what?!?! I certainly think I would like to see a new president in the White House,” Truss said. She did not mean it rhetorically, following up with "It has to be" when asked if that meant Trump.
  18. Please. No debates.

    In yesterday's world debates attempted to highlight a choice between legitimate candidates, whose words meant something. This is not a battle of words or policy and debates would only serve to normalize Trump.
  19. Truth is hurting

    My God these people are something else. There should be an exam before you're allowed to buy stock. And a head exam if you decide to buy this porta-potty of a business. (gifted link)
  20. Reduce inequality

    Agreed, we do. More generally we need a plan to reset the equality balance in the country, because the current distribution of wealth is killing the middle class. A wealth tax is a first step to fixing the mess that Reagan started.

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