Post - John Scalzi (@scalzi)

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John Scalzi


Human. So far as you know.

I enjoy pie.

35 Posts

  1. A headline both fabulous and accurate.
  2. Any day a white supremacist troll gets pushed off his soapbox is a good day.
  3. Lol, sure, that is gonna happen
  4. Yes, traitors like traitors, no surprise there
  5. Oh, hello, Spring.
  6. The folks who wrote this know the law better than I do and seem confident. I'm... less convinced, not because I think the prosecution's legal theory is incorrect (I think it's self-evident Trump was trying to influence the course of the 2016 election), but because it's not the ea
  7. I just cleared out my email queue and as soon as I did and breathed a sigh of relief, another email popped in and I was all HOW DARE YOU BESMIRCH MY TIDINESS
  8. On my site I wrote a post on a thing that you may have heard happened. Just a little thing. Nothing big.
  9. Somewhere in the great beyond, Al Capone, indicted for tax fraud, is glad someone else is gonna see how it feels to get tripped up on a rinky-dink charge
  10. Now officially verified here on Post. Suck it, Musk!
  11. Cool, does that mean you're going to stop being a propaganda arm for the political party that has enabled school shootings? No? Huh.
  12. "Somehow, Sauron has returned"
  13. Happy Valentine's Day.
  14. I keep trying to post links to outside sites and they keep showing up as empty fields. To wit, this link to Ted Chiang's discussion of AI text generators in the New Yorker, which (as I post this) will apparently not show up. What's up with that, Post?
  15. I really do think of myself as one of the laziest people I know, but somehow the work keeps getting done.
  16. When I'm not writing, I occasionally do photography. Here is a picture I took last year of the artist Dessa in concert. She's super cool and I think the picture captures her attidue.
  17. Dinner at the Scalzi household.
  18. Smudge is aware of the situation and is actively monitoring it.
  19. Here is the church, here is the steeple, open the doors, see all the Squishmallows
  20. Got the spider.

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