Post - Richard Pütz (@putzmanmusing)

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Richard Pütz


Examining the social, ethical, & political implications of emerging technology: Phase Change shapes society. Historian/Philosopher & Killer Story Teller!

Great Lakes No Salt No Sharks

See-Judge-Act I am a Strategist~Philosopher, AI Ethicist, and Technologist because I am first a Cultural Historian who has spent a career in emerging technology, understanding the Culture & Societal Phase change that occurs when technology is a disruptor. 'Creating Capabilities' through AI and Autonomous Technology will boldly take Humanity where it never dreamed of going.

120 Posts

  1. All from poor people and their donations so sad
  2. Happy winter solstice! It is the reason we celebrate Christmas in December.
  3. Fr. Gutiérrez OP said: "from the scriptures and not from the Social Sciences, or from Economics. The poor person is the one who does not count, he is the insignificant one, and they are very numerous." This season, let's pledge to remember to take care of the poor all year.
  4. A new edition is out now: "A Theology of Liberation: History, Politics, and Salvation" ~ 50th Anniversary Edition with New Introduction by Michael E. Lee) Published by Orbis Books and edited by Robert Ellsberg. See-Judge-Act: Joseph Cardijn is smiling in heaven.

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