Post - Paula 🌻 🍉 (@pauinha6)

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Paula 🌻 🍉


Regular human with extra curiosity


Curious alien in a human skin, looking to learn how everything works. Believer in human rights and that love is love is love. Ally 🌈 , supporter, advocate.  Infected by that Woke Mind Virus 🦠 someone spoke about that makes you booo at POS people. Accept the snark, it’s not meanness. Yes, i Wordle.  👽   ☮️ hippie heart  🧠 scientist 👩🏻‍🔬   🌶️ neurospicy  🤨 insatiable curiosity 🅰️ is for AntiFa  📚 book worm   🤓 unapologetically nerdy  🎶 music heals my soul  🧶 CraftADHD   🌊 ocean lover  👻 horror fan  🧑‍🎨 art enthusiast  🌙 night owl 🦉   ☕️ caffeinated or 🧟‍♀️   😈 sarcastic goblin  🐈 mother of cats  🤷🏻‍♀️ stubborn af™️  0️⃣ patience  ❌ no tolerance for the intolerant  🧥 I aim to misbehave   👶🏻👵🏻👑 proud OG/elder/royalty postie DOB 22.11.22 😂 “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” - Maya Angelou   All views and possible meltdowns are solely my own, for your enjoyment (enter at your own risk)

540 Posts

  1. @noam My app was removed because the TestFlight build was removed. The app is still not on my apple store and now i don’t have a Post App 😭😭😭 Was it because i updated my damn iOS?? What can i do to make it work again?
  2. ☀️
  3. We did this last week but, for all the USians: It’s darker on this side… also rainier and colder 😂 i prefer summer hours 😭 and my cat wasn’t aware of the time change 🙄
  4. What?!? 🤷🏻‍♀️
  5. The art of drowning in your own thoughts and feelings (Dunno the artist)
  6. Thank Grohl it’s FriDave!
  7. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 🎙️ 🫳🏻
  8. 🥬 🏆
  9. On October 3rd… don’t forget to wear pink tomorrow! 👚
  10. September reads:

    This was fun! September wasn’t my best reading month but this was one of the bright spots. Very Scalzi. Fast read, dark humor, crappy humans and sentient animals. Maybe a little too close to reality for comfort, but still a fun read.
  11. Not yet Santa!!! Why is Die Hard on tv???? Nooooo!
  12. ♥️
  13. Are you Kenough?

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