Post - Moira California (@moiracalifornia)

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Moira California


Eco- Friendly Art, Culture & Adventure

Sierra Foothills

Artist, writer & photographer living in the Sierra Foothills with my eco-terrier muse, Tyler Foote. Formerly of Hollywood. Let’s connect & make something beautiful. (Pronounced Mora)

87 Posts

  1. Tyler Foote: Enough Already

    My eco-terrier, adventure dog, Tyler Foote, sometimes has to remind me to just stop — with the next angle, pose, shot, story or outing. Enough. He’s always been inspired by our local Deep Ecology, Pul
  2. Tyler Foote with Holly Tree & Kitkitdizzi

    Happy Holidays from the Sierra Foothills! #Photography #MoiraCalifornia #DogsOfPost #California #TylerFoote #WhoIsTylerFoote #Dogs #PostPets #EcoTerrier #PostPlaces #HappyHolidays #Christmas
  3. whoa
  4. “After the Storm” #MoiraCalifornia #Photography #Winter #Snow #Storm #SierraFoothills #PostPlaces #California
  5. Tyler Foote: Gravitas

    “Tyler Foote: Gravitas” #Photography #MoiraCalifornia #DogsOfPost #California #TylerFoote #WhoIsTylerFoote #Dogs #PostPets #EcoTerrier
  6. I recently learned that a group of rats is a called a mischief and I need to share this marvelous bit of information.
  7. Tyler Foote: Snow Day

    “Tyler Foote: Snow Day” #Photography #MoiraCalifornia #DogsOfPost #California #TylerFoote #WhoIsTylerFoote #Dogs #PostPets #EcoTerrier #Climate
  8. I’m an artist & writer living in the Sierra Foothills with my eco-terrier, Tyler Foote. I’d love to connect with anyone interested in: #Photography #Climate #Art #California #Flowers #Sustainability
  9. Tyler Foote: Portrait with French Blue Brocade

    “Tyler Foote: Portrait with French Blue Brocade” #MoiraCalifornia #Photography #California #TylerFoote #WhoIsTylerFoote #DogsOfPost #Dogs #EcoTerrier
  10. Two Purple Irises

    I’m an artist & writer living in the Sierra Foothills with my eco-terrier, Tyler Foote. I’d love to connect with anyone interested in: #Photography #Climate #Dogs #California #Flowers #Sustainability
  11. Tyler Foote: Forest Idyll

    Looking for lovers of flowers, dogs, and photography. Let’s connect! #MoiraCalifornia #Photography #California #TylerFoote #WhoIsTylerFoote #DogsOfPost #DogsOfPost #EcoTerrier #Climate #EcoFriendly
  12. Mass extinction of insects This is the way the World is ending, not with a bang but a whimper
  13. Beautiful shot by @sisterresister
  14. "BART Basel" Danielle Baskin is the hero of our times
  15. Pink Tulips in Blue Vase

    I’m an artist & writer living in the Sierra Foothills with my eco-terrier, Tyler Foote. I’d love to connect with anyone interested in: #Photography #Climate #Dogs #California #Flowers #Sustainability
  16. Tyler Foote: July Morning

    I’m an artist & writer living in the Sierra Foothills with my eco-terrier, Tyler Foote. I’d love to connect with anyone interested in: #Photography #Climate #Art #California #Flowers #Sustainability
  17. “Metamorphosis” #WildlifeWednesday #Photography #Nature #Butterfly #California #Climate #MoiraCalifornia
  18. Beautiful work. Highly recommend 👇 #Climate #Photography #Art #ClimateCrisis #JoanSullivan #Photography

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