Post - Marco Fioretti (@mfioretti_en)

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Marco Fioretti


Digital awareness popularizer, freelance writer.

I do my best to popularize digital stuff that MATTERS. See how and how to support me at I also write on commission, about a variety of digital topics. To hire me, email

205 Posts

  1. "They taught me that true wealth is about..."
  2. #USA2024 = disinformation apocalypse? Maybe. But how, exactly? THAT is important
  3. How cars are dying, why, and what comes next Whether we want it or not.
  4. "enjoy the election. Who knows when we might have the next one" Read that about #India : and now I'm wondering in how many other countries voting this year there is the same feeling. Thoughts?
  5. Right-wing media may save the whole Web, for everybody. They must just have the guts to go back to the future: (NB: the image is what THEY feel. I just say that that feeling may make them save the web)
  6. "Start a post, try writing with AI" NO. F***K NO NO NO NO. (ditto for filling what I write with AI-generated unreal and creepy crap, just to show off and hide that I can't draw).
  7. "we are now in the unbundling of search engines and information retrieval" Go Kagi, Marginalia, and even Perplexity LOTS of good tips and info about the online search after #google here:
  8. "I’m going to put the entire U.S. budget on #blockchain so that any American - every American can look at every budget item in the entire budget anytime they want 24 hours a day"... said JFK jr... That is, not only he discovered #opendata 15 years after everybody else, but wants t
  9. Linus Torvalds takes on evil developers, hardware errors and 'hilarious' AI hype by @sjvn The latest from #Linux creator Linus Torvalds and his buddy Dirk Hohndel.
  10. "Smartphones are NOT not the source of all social ills"...

    True. But they are the source of a HUGE, dangerous mistake (especially for #parents , #teachers and lawmakers) about phones, #socialmedia and the Web in general:
  11. Hashicorp Versus OpenTofu Gets Ugly by @sjvn The lawyers are getting involved in an #opensource battle between Hashicorp and OpenTofu. .
  12. from sex dolls to Dante Alighieri, maybe the fear of #automation , with #robots or anything else, is not (mainly) fear of LOSING one’s job…
  13. #Catholic Social Doctrine and Open digital revolutions: an essay for EVERYBODY, catholics and not, about the real nature, and usage, of digital #innovation :
  14. Software vendors dump open source, go for the cash grab by @sjvn When #opensource companies--I'm looking at you, Redis, Hashicorp, MongoDB, and Elastic--turn bad.
  15. The first #AI that should get #money is not AI.. and needs NO nVidia chips:
  16. Remember when I told you: that your next car would NOT be "yours"? Here, this is it: (also check the other posts at posts about stupidly "smart" cars
  17. at 1250 kg per satellite, you only need 100,000 to 150,000 satellite re-entry demolishments ... to meet the approximate mass of the Chicxulub impact. tarlink would create this much debris after 12 years of consistent reentries.
  18. "I want the counterpoint to those who don't trust #voting machines to be, Hey folks, all the source code is #opensource ." It's AMAZING how much this attitude does NOT get basic realities: Full story here
  19. Honestly, I REALLY don't get how anybody can still make this argument that " #opensource voting machines could boost trust in elections" when reality is much simpler:
  20. Some humans must REALLY hate themselves and all other humans. Otherwise they wouldn't struggle so much to bring life to everything else but humans:

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