Post - David Auger (@metaldave)


David Auger


Metal. EDM. Habs Hockey.


Aging gamer. Awful YouTuber. Movie lover. Soccer player. Hockey player. Musician. Programmer.

12 Posts

  1. Last one of the year and it does NOT include this horrific game against the Caps! Just the one against the Panthers. #GoHabsGo
  2. Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- Reunion Exploit

    Been playing Crisis Core: Reunion, and it looks like an old exploit from the original game is still there. I posted about it on Reddit , but I'll sum it up here. When you can go into the basement of the
  3. Ahh, ain't that something. When [redacted] took over Twitter I decided to have all of my account's data downloaded just in case anything were to happen to it, and uh-- Anyway, after barking up the wrong
  4. Just finished the remake of Crisis Core, what a trip. Granted, I think I'm going to have to pick up a PSP emulator and find a ROM to see how the original release was. I have a sneaking suspicion that co
  5. A fella on Twitter had some time on their hands today, going to bat for police officers after someone shared how one assaulted them at a traffic stop. Then this fella went on to make fun of a woman's l
  6. Habby Hour! Season 6 Episode 24

    Hey all, @chile_pepper and I got together for another episode of the Habby Hour tonight! Not a great week for our beloved Habs, and we discuss it! Some news that seemed strange t
  7. Burning the midnight oil...

    Finally got a good chunk of playing time in for Crisis Core: Reunion. Kinda odd! But fun, I suppose. Being as big a fan of Final Fantasy VII as I am I never really played the original release of Crisis
  8. Now that the January 6 committee has sent criminal referrals to the Department of Justice... Is this what Garland has been waiting for?
  9. I will never understand what’s wrong with the people in this country that allow this to happen. Simply appalling. Cut from a WaPo article.
  10. Some morning hockey at the Rejects holiday skate!
  11. Initial thoughts on Post so far... As mentioned when you sign up, it's a Beta, so there is lots of functionality that isn't ready. However, one thing that really stands out is the complete lack of ads.
  12. Finally.

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