Post - Bill Madden (@maddenifico)


Bill Madden


Singer-songwriter/musician and activist

Singer-songwriter/musician, social/climate justice activist, dharma practitioner, plant-based diet, investor. NEW RELIGION is available at

47 Posts

  1. It's too bad Gerald Ford is dead and cannot witness what his pardon of Richard Nixon created. If Nixon had been indicted, a degenerate like Trump would've had to think long and hard about attempting to overturn the 2020 election and overthrow American democracy. #TrumpIndictment
  2. With Woody Harrelson's monologue on SNL last night, the anti-vax stupidity in America just peaked. It's disappointing that Lorne Michaels would allow this conspiratorial nonsense on his show. It's probably time for Lorne to retire. #WoodyHarrelson #Politics #News
  3. Nikki Haley is just another feckless Republican who failed to rise to the occasion to defend democracy from MAGA-fascism. Haley has ZERO chance of ever being president. #NikkiHaley #Politics #Democracy #Trump
  4. Efforts by Republicans to make Jamie Raskin take off the cap he's been wearing while he undergoes chemotherapy for cancer is to please their far-right base of MAGA-fascists. In my lifetime, I have never seen a more inhumane, cruel and sadistic party as today's Trump-GOP. #JaimeRaskin
  5. Trumpism gets annihilated in the Czech Republic: In a victory for liberal democracy over authoritarian fascism, Petr Pavel has swept to the Czech presidency after a landslide victory over former prime minister, pro-Putin populist Andrej Babiš. #Politics #News #Democracy #PetrPavel
  6. When Tyre Nichols called out for his mom, it broke my heart. George Floyd did the same thing. When grown men are being brutalized and in fear of death, they revert to their childhood and call out for the one person they know will always be there to protect them — their mother. #TyreNichols
  7. Congratulations to Katie Hobbs, who was sworn in as governor of Arizona on January 2. Kudos to the people of Arizona for defeating the sinister forces of Trumpism (FASCISM) and Kari Lake. #KatieHobbs #KariLake
  8. Inside the Jan. 6 committee's massive new evidence trove: The panel's evidence provides the clearest glimpse yet at the well-coordinated effort by Trump allies to help the deranged dictator wannabe se
  9. Ukrainians chant "Putin’s a dickhead!" and "Glory to Ukraine!" as New Year's Eve bombs rain down on Kyiv in late-night drone attack. #SlavaUkraini #Kyiv #UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineRussianWar #UkraineWi
  10. Imagine if Trump-Republicans — all the fascists, traitors and co-conspirators cared as much about democracy and America as Ukrainians do about democracy and their country: Ukrainians in Kyiv buildings
  11. Any single one of Trump's multitude of crimes would send any other American to prison for life. What Trump is guilty of is so egregious — by comparison, it makes George Santos seem almost honest. Crim
  12. One year ago Concoda wrote this article on Elon Musk — and it's prescient as f*ck. The coming collapse of Elon Musk: The modern-day John Law is slowly losing control of the "green genius" narrative. #ElonMusk
  13. 'Criminal tax evasion': Trump's taxes are the best case yet for putting him in prison. Friday's news dump is a huge deal, and should be the final nail in his coffin of the corrupt, serial lying con-ma
  14. 'There is a seat in hell waiting for this man': George Santos LIED about his mom dying on September 11th. #GeorgeSantos #News #Politics #PostNews
  15. "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." ― Albert Einstein
  16. What are we becoming? What the f*ck are we becoming??!! Looking at this video, I can barely contain my anger: Convenience store worker, Kasey Young, fired after dousing homeless woman with water in fr
  17. George Santos caught once again in an egregious LIE: Santos said he never claimed to be Jewish, but in a document submitted to multiple Jewish organizations, Santos claimed to be a "proud American Jew
  18. Whoa! Serial lying sociopath George Santos is now facing a criminal investigation — it's coming from a district attorney's office run by a fellow Republican. #Politics #News #Democracy #GeorgeSantos #PostNews
  19. Willing to blow the entire motherf*cking GOP up, dictator wannabe Trump goes into full extortion mode — promoting an article encouraging him to run as a third-party candidate if the GOP doesn't bend t
  20. Twitter is imploding. #twitter

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