Post - Lee Petersen (@lwpetersen)

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Lee Petersen


I do photography, writing, science, Alaska, nature, and other stuff

Fairbanks, Alaska

I'm a photographer living in Fairbanks, Alaska. Currently photographing flowers around the state while writing a wildflower identification guide and working on an Alaska hiking guide. My education and previous work were in Physics and glaciology. Combined with my love of photography, I've been interested in Optics lately and am currently working on some related articles and guides.

605 Posts

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    A stream forms through the snow on the Black Rapids Glacier in the Eastern Alaska Range in mid-June. It's always a wet time when you are near the snowline (the boundary between snow-covered and snow-free) in the mountains, days on end trekking through deep slush. I'm really sad to
  2. Last night, I was out on the Summit Trail near Wickersham Dome, and I came across possibly 2 or 3 different species of dwarf willow. To the best of my knowledge, the ones photographed here are both Salix phlebophylla (1: female catkins and 2: male catkins). I have my work cut out
  3. Jagged peaks tower over the steep Gabriel Icefall on the Gulkana Glacier in the Eastern Alaska Range in mid-August. My hiking guide to the area: #Alaska #Glacier #Hiking #photography #photosofpost
  4. I've got a lot of writing to do this week! I photographed and identified six wildflowers that will be added to add to my Alaska Wildflower Guide. Cat and I saw some interesting stuff along the lower Granite Tors trail yesterday. Hopefully, I'll have some more photos later today o
  5. An aurora corona above the trees in late August. We have a little under three months before it gets dark enough again to see the aurora in Fairbanks, Alaska. I haven't seen much aurora while the leaves are still on the trees. In my aurora gallery: #Alaska #auroraborealis #northern
  6. There were so many flowers yesterday, despite it being so early in green-up at Table Top Mountain in the White Mountain National Recreation Area, Alaska. List of flora and write-up on the hike and trail conditions with lots of photos here:
  7. I've taken quite a few photos in the last week. Here are a few of my favorites with some info about them. Lots of birds and wildflowers in Fairbanks, Alaska! #Alaska #bloomscrolling #birding #wildflowers
  8. Things are moving a bit slower for me today. The death of a relative and the death of an old friend on the same day earlier this week has slowly been creeping up on me.
  9. Years ago, we got relatively heavy snow in mid-September. The contrast of the snow on the green foliage was stunning! Smith Lake in Fairbanks, Alaska. In my portfolio: #Alaska #photography #photosofpost #Autumn
  10. You know it's spring when the orchids bloom! I took these photos yesterday in Fairbanks, Alaska. Fairy slippers ( Calypso bulbosa var. americana ), are one of two varieties of C. bulbosa found in Alaska, distinguished from var. occidentalis by the prominent yellow beard. More info i
  11. An incredibly bright display of the aurora borealis streaks across the night sky in February in Fairbanks, Alaska. More in my aurora gallery: #Alaska #AuroraBorealis #northernlights #photography #photosofpost
  12. Looking over some transverse crevasses up at the O'Brien Icefall on the Castner Glacier in the Eastern Alaska Range. Read more about types of crevasses in my article here: My hiking guide to the Castner Glacier: Photo taken in early July #Glacier #Summer #Alaska #photography #hiki
  13. Our cat, Monkey, is an indoor cat. Every once in a while, she sneaks out when we open the door, and sometimes, we let her stay outside for a few minutes. We haven't let her stay lately because we've frequently heard an owl nearby this spring. Yesterday, I let her out supervised,
  14. Chunks of ice calving on the Columbia Glacier in the Chugach Mountains in summer - Valdez Region, Alaska. My glaciers and icebergs gallery: #Glacier #Alaska #photography #photosofpost
  15. Yesterday was a fantastic day of hiking and photography in Alaska. I updated a wildflower guide, captured a black-capped chickadee collecting nest material, saw my first blooming wildflower of the season (northern kittentails), and hiked Wickersham Dome, unexpectedly meeting an o
  16. A gorgeous reflection of a midnight sunset over Birch Lake near Delta Junction, Alaska - taken at 12:15 am in early June. In my Landscapes Gallery: #Alaska #Sunset #spring #photography #photosofpost
  17. My latest blog post with photos - some wildflower and insect macros and watching the leaves bloom in Fairbanks, Alaska. Broken phone camera and other stuff. #bloomscrolling #Alaska #macrophotography #photography
  18. Everywhere - The aurora fills nearly the entire sky, dancing green and pink, in mid-April from Fairbanks, Alaska. In my aurora gallery: #Alaska #auroraborealis #northernlights #Spring #photography #photosofpost
  19. My latest blogpost on our weekend climbing trip, and other climbing things that have been taking up a lot of my time this spring (mostly in a good way): #Alaska #climbing #bouldering
  20. Meteor Peak, standing at 8,133 ft (2,478.94 m), along with the surrounding peaks of the Hayes Range, a subrange of the Alaska Range, towering over the Black Rapids Glacier in the foreground. In my Glaciers photo gallery: #Alaska #Glacier #mountains #photography #photosofpost

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