Post - Julie Vassilatos (@juliev)

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Julie Vassilatos


spring is the best season and it's not even close


when the news is all a catastrophe, take too many pictures of flowers

592 Posts

  1. What the heck, why not #IWouldPay #SavePost #BetterTogether #Community #Decency
  2. Abbott: Several illegals, including women and children, got caught on our fence in the Rio Grande and drowned. MAGA: That'll teach 'em! Trump: My political opponents should be killed. MAGA: He says what we're thinking! Noem: I shot my dog. MAGA: Whoa, that's a bridge too far. #noem #kr
  3. Yikes way too much Trump content in my feed today. I'm seeing too many pics of a guy I would like never to see again, ever. #ugh #whenwillheleaveoursight #begoneorangemenace #needtogoshootmoreflowers
  4. My phone tells me this cheerful frondy fellow, about three feet high and covered in blossoms, is Indian Hyacinth. All I know is, there are hundreds of these I've never seen before today, crammed into one bed on campus. I was super annoyed last fall when they paved the whole round
  5. The sky was just off the chain tonight. Extra bonus--all those dandelions on the manicured lawns of the U of Chicago gardens are still hanging around and have turned to puffballs. #SkySunday (okay I know it's Monday) #sunset #Chicago
  6. Last night's hard rain knocked so many white petals off this tree it looked just like snow on the ground and on the bush below. And the tree was still completely full of white flowers. Today was an absurdly, ridiculously gorgeous day. #gardensofpost
  7. I was mesmerized by this two-tone iridescent tulip that I see I was unable to capture as it looked. Here it sort of glows like some kind of AI generated crazy thing. Like the prompt was "nuclear tulip" or something. Anyway I thought the color mixing game in this garden was strong
  8. This rendition of this song really fits my maudlin mood these days. Here you go in case you're feeling maudlin too. đź’• #WeArePost #SavePost #IWouldPay #OnlineCommunity #DecencyMatters #WeAreBetterTogether
  9. Posties: Pass this on. Subscriptions ($15/month) plus a 10% user charge on points ($1.40/1000 points) just might do it . Set up a subscriptions page, and send a Notification out to every Postie. At least try, I mean, seriously, what do you have to lose. #SavePost @noel
  10. I think users never really understood what the makers of this place were trying to do. And I think the makers of this place do not understand what it is they made. #savepost #IWouldPay (and so would thousands of others, but most folks never saw your little post that was not email
  11. I’m so embarrassed. All this time and I never bought any points. As a woman of little means and big wishes, I assumed I couldn’t afford to. I thought there was a one-to-one correspondence, dollars to points. That was wrong. Points are inexpensive! I just bought 1,000 for only a f
  12. Post a picture with your dog that doesn’t involve shooting them and throwing them in a gravel pit.
  13. Well I'm not downloading anything. I'd like to keep this whole platform--but my own stuff, in isolation? I don't care to keep that. Nah. One day I'll wake up and post will be gone. That will be sad. Until then, I'm just going to go on pretending everything is normal. And no, I'm
  14. This dog is untrainable and naughty and he even makes the crossword undoable sometimes. But guess what I'm not doing to him. #dogsofpost #naughtydogsofpost #rescuedogs #everybodydeservesasecondchance #nomoredogsforkristinoem
  15. hey are we allowed to say no? Here are $4B plans for a new Chicago Bears stadium about.....30 yards away from the old one. “This is not an easy project, but Chicago doesn’t like it easy. We like to do the difficult things ...” --Bears President Kevin Warren. No, Mr. Warren, no, w
  16. my dog chewed up my viburnum whilst also digging up the roots at which point I pruned it unto death so here is a viburnum from somewhere else gloriously blooming its little fragrant snowball self #gardensofpost #dogsofpost #dogsofgardens #gardensofdogs
  17. on Wednesdays we share pink #gardensofpost #spring #springflowers #springflowersontrees
  18. Just--beautiful.
  19. spring is beautiful all over the world
  20. 10 astonishing photos.

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