Post - Josh Habka (@joshhabka)

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Josh Habka


Science Communicator, CEO of Astrochain

Melbourne, Florida

Josh Habka is an analog astronaut, science communicator, biohacker, and CEO of Astrochain based in Melbourne, currently serving as a Sophomore at the Florida Institute of Technology. Contact With a profound passion for astrophysics, Josh has carved a prominent niche in the world of science education and communication, reaching over 500,000 individuals monthly through various media platforms, including his captivating blog and Instagram. In addition to his role as a science communicator, Josh Habka is actively engaged in intensive astronaut training through the International Institute of Astronautical Sciences, preparing to contribute to groundbreaking research in unique environments such as microgravity and celestial bodies like the Moon and Mars. His commitment to knowledge extends beyond traditional academia, as evidenced by his participation in programs like the NASA L'SPACE Mission Concept Academy. Josh Habka is the Chief Executive Officer of Astrochain, a US-based space research company, showcases his ability to seamlessly integrate science and business, fostering collaborations and partnerships. Astrochain encourages and develops space exploration for the retail enthusiast, bringing people together with a common astronomy passion into one unique platform. Josh Habka is pursing a Bachelor's degree in Astronomy and Astrophysics with a minor in Entrepreneurship, and he is currently pursuing classes in Master's in Commercial Enterprise in Space at the Florida Institute of Technology. His academic journey includes involvement in various organizations, such as serving as the President of the campus's Astrobiological Research & Education Society (ARES).

18 Posts

  1. Magnetic Filaments: New Clues in Black Hole Mystery

    Hello, fellow space enthusiasts! Today, we're going to take a fascinating journey into the heart of our very own Milky Way galaxy. We're about to delve into a mysterious cosmic phenomenon that has astronomers all around the world scratching their heads in wonder and amazement - t
  2. Why Are There Craters on the Moon?

    Moon craters are formed when meteorites and asteroids strike the surface of the Moon. Many of the craters on its surface are mostly impact features caused when meteorites or comets hit the Moon. The countless craters on the Moon were formed as a result of asteroid impacts, particu
  3. Is There Water on the Moon?

    Original Article: While studies from 11 years ago indicated that water is relatively prevalent and present at low levels on the Moon, the first unequivocal detection of molecules of water on the Moon’s surface is now being repor
  4. Why Does Saturn Have Rings?

    Saturn’s rings are pieces of asteroids, comets, or shattered moons that broke up before they reached the planet, torn apart by Saturn’s powerful gravity. Thousands of rings within the rings strike Saturn, all made of billions of pieces of ice orbiting Saturn. Astronomers had theor
  5. What Is The Atmosphere Like on Mars?

    Mars atmosphere is more than 100 times thinner than that of Earth, mainly composed of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and argon gases . Mars atmosphere is 95% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, 1.6% argon, with the rest being traces of oxygen, water vapor, and other gases. Original Article Mars
  6. Is There Life on Kepler 452b?

    Kepler-452b (a planet occasionally claimed to be an Earth 2.0, or Earths cousin, depending on its characteristics; also known by its Kepler object of interest designation, KOI-7016.01) is an Earth-like exoplanet orbiting at the inner edge of the habitable zone of Kepler-452, a su
  7. Is There Life on WASP-39b?

    While we have not found life on WASP-39b , WASP-39b is a candidate for alien life because of its complex atmospheric chemistry. NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has captured conclusive evidence for CO2 in the atmosphere of WASP-39b, a gas giant planet orbiting a Sun-like st
  8. How Do Terrestrial Planets Form?

    Rocky planets can be formed through two radically different processes, but it is unclear which built our Solar System’s landmasses. In our solar system, the rocky planets formed at the warmest interior part of the protoplanetary disk, whereas the gas giants formed farther out. In
  9. Why Does Jupiter Have A Red Spot?

    Jupiter's Great Red Spot is an anticyclonic storm in a persistent high-pressure region the size of Earth When you think about Jupiter (open in new tab), you probably picture either its immense size or the colored bands of gas that run down the side of it. Not only does the hulking
  10. Is There Life on Jupiter?

    No, life as we know it cannot survive on Jupiter due to its distance from the Sun, unsuitable atmosphere, and frigid temperatures. The Solar System boasts many worlds with the requisite conditions to support life, with Europa, Jupiter’s moon, being the most promising. Jupiter is e
  11. Is There Life On Kepler-186f?

    While we have not found life on Kepler-186f, Kepler-186f is a candidate for alien life due to many terrestrial planet similarities to Earth and possible surface activities. Kepler 186F lit up space nerds’ imaginations four years ago when NASA announced it was the first potentially
  12. Is There Life On TOI-1452b?

    The possibility of life on other planets is a topic of much scientific and public interest. Recently, the exoplanet TOI-1452b has gained attention as a potential candidate for hosting extraterrestrial life. In this article, we will explore several factors that can contribute to t
  13. Confirming the Reality of the Moon Landing

    On July 20, 1969, NASA's Apollo 11 mission landed astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the moon, marking a monumental achievement for humanity. Despite widespread evidence supporting the moon landing, some skeptics persist in claiming it was a hoax, citing various argument
  14. Exploring Mars' Red Hue: Geological & Atmospheric Factors

    This article delves into the intricate geological and atmospheric processes that contribute to the distinctive red hue of Mars. Through an in-depth analysis of various factors including mineralogy, surface chemistry, and atmospheric conditions, this post aims to elucidate the ori
  15. Pioneering Dust Management: Electrostatic System for Mars Missions

    Discover how an electrostatic removal system could revolutionize living on Mars by removing Martian regolith from spacesuits and infrastructure. Original Article 🌟 Introduction: The Martian Challenge Embarking on a journey to Mars represents one of humanity's most audacious goals fo
  16. Asteroid Cities: An Overview, Feasibility, Logistics, and Current Research

    The concept of asteroid cities emerges from the crossroads of astronomical research, space engineering, and futuristic urban planning. Original Article: The concept of asteroid cities emerges from the crossroads of astronomical research, space engineering, and futuristic urban pla
  17. Subdermal Security: Two-Factor Authentication With Subdermal Implant

    Original Article This is a demonstration video of dangerous but fun and exciting subdermal technology! This subdermal electronic system cryptobionically stores TOTP(Time-Based One-Time Passwords), which are what is traditionally used when using apps like Google Authenticator or Aut
  18. Understanding Radio Telescopes and the Advantages of Radio Astronomy

    This article covers the intricate mechanisms of radio telescopes and how they capture, analyze, and interpret radio waves from across the cosmos. Advantages of radio astronomy are also covered. Original Article I. Introduction Astronomy, the study of celestial objects and phenomena

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