Post - Ivo Escobar (@ivoesc)

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Ivo Escobar


Runs Participatory Fluency. Musician of sorts.

BA in Linguistics and Literature at the University of Sao Paulo (focusing Semantics and Discourse Analysis in Foreign Language). Formerly a drummer turned multi-instrumentalist (2004-present). I write poetry in my bad days, music when I have a trigger, short stories when I wanna impress people and blogs when something needs to be said and everyone's quiet. Advocate of better online policy.

72 Posts

  1. My latest. It talks about geopolitics, tech, education, among other themes.
  2. My latest, kinda dirty blog

    I have 41 points. I think I paid to read something, one of my blogs (about the Twitter hearing) got paid, and I'm here to deliver the shittiest blog you've ever read, but at the same time set a new standard in journalism (because there are SO MANY PEOPLE who know exactly what's g
  3. Unsure how this will be faced:
  4. Seems relevant. #mentalhealth#mentalhealth
  5. What happened to that super cute thing we were going to do, paying creators?
  6. Image: Pexels
  7. The Twitter Hoax

    Today I've decided to come back to Twitter again. It's a very careful move for me, for many reasons. Having been subpoenaed by the federal police based on an anonymous report coming from Brasilia (capital of Brazil) on the week of the election, on the same day ex-president Jair Bo
  8. Awful. When I think I'm being treated badly as a Brazilian trying to live life in America, I realize it could be much worse.
  9. Cab drivers shouldn't exist.
  10. Migrant? See what I'm up to .
  11. This is about Omegle, that site everybody's using.
  12. New post: #advertising and its evil ways. Participatory Fluency: "Don't worry, your data is safe -- says tech."
  13. Anyone interested in reading about recent media history? Check out my Substack .
  14. I am once again asking for peace of mind

    You got 3 social networks (technically, one conglomerate, one server group and one crowdfunding initiative, but who cares?) asking: "what's on your mind?" And mental health means many things to many people. Now what, Solis? I know a few things: That I can't be focusing on blogging wi

    Does anyone on Post want to hear about worthwhile #Patreon projects that sometimes take mini-herculean tasks? I wouldn't necessarily write "ARM THE HOMELESS" with lipstick on my guitar, but that was sweet, wasn't it? Take time to read other Patreon posts where I talk about my vulne
  16. When is Francine L'acqua going to shed a tear on air? "I was getting my Starbucks, being modest, you know? And they just broke the window!"
  17. Context

    For those who are not aware, I started an educational project aiming to connect Brazilian audiences with global opportunity, at a "grassroots level", so to speak. I called it English101BR, then Participatory Fluency and partfluency for short. On Twitter, I tried to pick whatever
  18. I did not expect the news from the NBC executive. What does that mean for, well, Instagram and YouTube?
  19. How to tell if a person is a monster: UBS Wealth Manager just said on Bloomberg that manufacturing in China is weak.

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