Post - Len Spencer (@hustings)

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Len Spencer


this machine floats


Read, Write, Repeat.

406 Posts

  1. Shame about this space shutting down. I’m mainly over in meta land these days. Great folks on this platform. Be well, all.
  2. Logged into check up on this site and saw that I have posted 404 times which in other words, 404 post, and my brain goes my Post is 404 and that my http is broken and that I'm an unavailable resource so I'm fixing that. Post 405.
  3. Pragmatism is the friend of peace, however unlikely that peace seems. This writer encapsulates my thoughts on the horror unfolding before us.
  4. No one: Western powers are totally is a great place to deal with a Middle East war.
  5. I think maybe a cage match between McCarthy and Gaetz. Pay per view. The budget would get done from the revenue and y’all could both move on and have some catharsis.
  6. IN the modern Internet times, across multiple sets of measurables, there is nothing, NOTHING worse in scale and impact than Amazon.
  7. Oh Canada, where taking in vain the holy chalice and alter is a thing. (Personally, I think shitbird should be in everyone’s pitch selection)
  8. There are good republicans in America, it just seems that none of them are elected.
  9. love
  10. Like I get it, lot of my coffee demands on a daily basis are also aspirational.
  11. Why US Malls Are Dying

    When there was no internet, the middle class was a thing, before entire economies got off-shored and gas was affordable, damn straight the malls rocked. Too much retail, not enough houses for 1000s of things and increasing micromobility transport - malls are not coming with us.
  12. Hello. My name is Len Spencer and I make music products. I was not indicted today.
  13. Enjoy wherever you get your Internet song products :)
  14. I make songs.
  15. Canadians have a common enemy when it comes to high food prices and for cause. Galen Weston, I want my f*cling money back. $8.49 for some a small ass tub of goat milk stuff. STFU
  16. I call this part Big Summer: movies, BBQ, music fireworks, kids just being epic and truly, perfectly annoying, long bike rides, summer drinks and if you’re lucky a getaway. Take it in.

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