Post - Gabbin' with Gary! We want to know…. (@gdsvideos)

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Gabbin’ with Gary! We want to know….



My current project is open for content. Looking at thoughtful and intelligent content

258 Posts

  1. Taking a kidney then they will address the cancer on the R kidney in a few months

    Confirmed, L Kidney removal in mid June. Another endo and colonoscopy. I am not feeling lucky at all. Not to mention other appointments all of a sudden. Only on the scared side a lot. I can really use a hand up if you can. I thank you in advance.
  2. So funny
  3. AHI and not the fish.

    The apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) measures how many times per hour, on average, a person partially or fully stops breathing during sleep. The AHI is the total number of times a person experiences apneas and hypopneas in one night divided by the total number of hours of sleep. The re
  4. The good old days
  5. The last few days

    Thank you to everyone that is helping me with my GFM @ I really, really appreciate the people who share them. I can’t thank you enough for the donation. I’m not well and I’m so scared. I still have 2 nuclear tests to go. Thank you
  6. Please repost: Mr dump
  7. Anytime don meets with an active authoritarian. It’s so incredibly bad. Nothing good comes of this.
  8. Now he doesn’t stop slamming NATO. trump is so very dangerous
  9. What happens if

    I am seriously worried the orange blob wins. We all know that’s the end of democracy then. Can’t Biden just stay in office anyways? I’ll need passport and ticket out asap I guess.
  10. Everyone is so surprised Turkey became tough on Russia. Turkey is getting American F-16’s. Nothing else is needed to be said
  11. Why hasn’t kushner gave the money to trump
  12. In a year we can celebrate the 1yo’s at the Alabama’s IVR clinic 😂 😂
  13. Are movie theaters relevant anymore?
  14. Please consider sharing this on your timeline. Your social media please. I thank you
  15. I’m tired of being sick everyday lately in someway or another

    I don’t know what’s going on today but I have thrown up a few times today. Ugh I wonder if all this is payback for being a crumby teenager. I do wonder so many things. Ugh
  16. Dad, mom and my oldest sister Karen
  17. It’s really looking like cancer. please consider helping.
  18. You never think it’s gonna be you.

    I never thought it would be me. I wake up and go to sleep scared you can say. Copied and pasted my text to someone else but will fill you in: They’re talking cancer for me. I have so many nuclear tests taken and a few more coming up. The doc hasn’t really said but I was told for ou
  19. Oh boy

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