Post - Jack Bogdanski (@bojack)

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Jack Bogdanski


Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit

Portland, Oregon

Husband, dad, tax law professor, blogger

830 Posts

  1. Funny, in a sad sort of way. #Portland
  2. Digging in the dirt.
  3. Tuning out. #NPR
  4. Oregonians, don't fall for the grift.
  5. Unsee! #Oregon
  6. A lame duck quacks.
  7. Cleanup on aisle #Portland .
  8. Not a happy day.
  9. People are only beginning to realize what widespread, legalized gambling is doing to sports. #NBA
  10. You hate to see it.
  11. Pet peeve.
  12. The lesser of two evils. Ain't that America. #Portland
  13. Spring is here, tra la tra la... #Portland
  14. I'm going with Dexter for Congress. #Portland
  15. Pungle up, rubes. #Portland #Oregon
  16. I'm not confident about this. At all.
  17. That ain't workin'. #Portland #Oregon
  18. Now hear this! Give your money to the county or face eternal damnation! #Portland

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