Post - Craig Good (@clgood)

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Craig Good


Teller of stories, many of them true

Assistant Professor, CCA. Ex-Pixar. Science communicator and author of "Relax and Enjoy Your Food".

451 Posts

  1. I asked my numerologist for some help, but it turns out I can't count on him.
  2. "Wouldst thou like the taste of butter? A pretty dress? Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?" #movies #film
  3. Seems like an awful waste of space. #movies #film
  4. "As a horror writer I don't ask for much. I just hope I've changed the way you think about life." #movies #film
  5. Hell of a run.
  6. Well, well, well. #movies #film
  7. It's the light. It's always the light. #movies #film
  8. Now it's dark. #movies #film
  9. I'm really a nice guy. If I had friends you could ask them. #movies #film
  10. Your mind makes it real. #movies #film
  11. "Flowers are only flowers because they fall."
  12. "Astral plane." #movies #film
  13. "That don't look like ketchup." #movies #film
  14. There's a hole... #movies #film
  15. Never waste your pain. #movies #film
  16. She's after our daughter and now there's no help for her! #movies #film
  17. The chocolate isn't the point. It's who you share it with. #movies #film
  18. What is a ghost? #movies #film
  19. An advantage to celebrating Trans Visibility Day over Easter is that trans people actually exist.
  20. "Mommy always fixes everything." #movies #film

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